Apache Camel 是一个非常强大的基于规则的路由以及媒介引擎,该引擎提供了一个基于POJO的 企业应用模式(Enterprise Integration Patterns)的实现,你可以采用其异常强大且十分易用的API (可以说是一种Java的领域定义语言 Domain Specific Language)来配置其路由或者中介的规则。 通过这种领域定义语言,你可以在你的IDE中用简单的Java Code就可以写出一个类型安全并具有一定智能的规则描述文件。这与那种复杂的XML配置相比极大简化了规则定义开发。 当然Apache Camel也提供了一个对Spring 配置文件的支持。
Apache Camel 采用URI来描述各种组件,这样你可以很方便地与各种传输或者消息模块进行交互,其中包含的模块有 HTTP, ActiveMQ, JMS, JBI, SCA, MINA or CXF Bus API。 这些模块是采用可插拔的方式进行工作的。Apache Camel的核心十分小巧你可以很容易地将其集成在各种Java应用中。
Book DescriptionApache Camel is a Java framework that lets you implement the standard enterprise integration patterns in a few lines of code. With a concise but sophisticated DSL you snap integration logic into your app, Lego-style, using Java, XML, or Scala. Camel supports over 80 common transports such as HTTP, REST, JMS, and Web Services.
Camel in Action is a Camel tutorial full of small examples showing how to work with the integration patterns. It starts with core concepts like sending, receiving, routing, and transforming data. It then shows you the entire lifecycle and goes in depth on how to test, deal with errors, scale, deploy, and even monitor your app— details you can find only in the Camel code itself. Written by the developers of Camel, this book distills their experience and practical insights so that you can tackle integration tasks like a pro. What’s Inside • Valuable examples in Java and XML • Explanations of complex patterns • Error handling, testing, deploying, managing, and running Camel • Accessible to beginners, useful to expertsCamel in Action
apache camel source code
This project hosts the source code for the examples of the book written by and .
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Note: The source code is available for download or in subversion. The download is a ZIP of the source code targeted for official Camel releases. The source code in SVN is following latest development and include fixes for reported issues with the source code.